
My name is Carol Buckalew and I’m an independent Stampin’ Up demonstrator. I’m a wife and a mother to two grown sons and two West Highland Terriers – Maezie and Mackenzie. I retired a few years ago after working 40 years in the corporate world and looking forward to the next chapter in life!

I have always loved tapping into my creative side as it allows me to relax, unwind and de-stress. In addition to cardmaking, some of my hobbies include quilting, watercolor painting and crocheting. I also love to read historical novels and I’m a big nature enthusiast. My husband and I love to visit Cape May, NJ for long weekends when we can get away (our dream home would be an old Victorian).

I dabbled in papercrafts on and off for a few years but found I had a true passion for it when me and a group of work friends started making cards for residents at a hospital for the chronically ill. The residents have no family and no visitors. The cards we created for them monthly helped to boost their spirits and let them know someone cares for them! The residents looked forward to receiving cards and would often ask the staff when they would be receiving cards again. The experience has been extremely rewarding! It wasn’t a far jump for me to sign on as a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator where I can share my love for creating beautiful things!

I hope you’ll take a few minutes to check out my site and let me know how I can assist you. You can contact me via email by visiting the Contact page. Whether you are an experienced paper crafter or you’re just getting started I would love to assist you on your journey!

Yours in crafting,


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The content in this blog is the sole responsibility of Carol Buckalew as an Independent Stampin’ Up! demonstrator and the use of and content of classes, services or products offered is not endorsed by Stampin’ Up!  All Stampin’ Up! images are ©Stampin’ Up! 2023-2024.